Engaging our town & village residents, business, and policy makers of Greater East Aurora to support climate smart and eco-friendly choices through education, planning, and action.
BYOC Campaign
ACES Introduces a new BYOC Program! (BYOC: Bring your own cup, container, cutlery)
Look for our ACES Window Sticker in the windows of participating local restaurants and businesses. You can also read about participating businesses by clicking on the Salamander below. Please support & thank them!
Community Solar is here! No solar panels installed on your roof or property. Zero cost. Solar credits are applied directly to your NYSEG or existing renewable energy account, resulting in savings of up to 10% on your electricity. You also help the Town earn thousands of $$$ in state grants for additional clean energy projects in our Town. Click on the sun for details and to sign up!
Action Alert!
This month, the NYS Legislature passed a bill to ban the sale of disposable polystyrene foam coolers. However, Governor Hochul still hasn’t signed it. (Our own State Assemblyman DiPietro was one of just 3 votes opposed- you might want to ask him why?) Click on the photo below to learn more about this bill, and encourage Gov. Hochul to sign it asap!