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It is the mission of the Western New York Environmental Alliance to protect, conserve, manage and restore healthy, resilient, thriving ecosystems and communities in Western New York through collective action, collaboration, and campaigns. ​

​The Western New York Environmental Alliance (WNYEA) is an independent, board-run organization that mobilizes change through collective action and collaboration.


With more than 100 member organizations, affiliates and supporters throughout the Western New York region, WNYEA works to ensure that the environment is the key factor in local and regional planning. 

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"Education Through Nature Exploration" 


 WildWood Western New York’s mission is to provide quality, accessible education through nature exploration to learners of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. Outreach programs include in-person, on-site, and virtual learning opportunities.

The All-Electric Buildings Act (Gallagher A.920-A) / (Kavanagh S.562-A) would electrify new construction in New York State. It requires all new single-family and low-rise buildings to be carbon pollution-free by 2024, and all remaining new construction to be carbon pollution-free by 2027, with limited exceptions.


The All-Electric Buildings Act was introduced during the 2021-22 legislative session and has been reintroduced in 2023. Passing this bill is critical for public health,

utility savings, and a livable climate. Polluters are attempting to block the All-Electric Buildings Act by circulating myths about electrifying new construction. We’ve addressed ten of these myths so New Yorkers have the facts about electrification:

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Beyond Plastics is a nationwide project based at Bennington College in Bennington, Vermont, that pairs the wisdom and experience of environmental policy experts with the energy and creativity of grassroots advocates to build a vibrant and effective movement to end plastic pollution. We use our deep policy and advocacy expertise to build a well-informed, effective movement seeking to achieve the institutional, economic, and societal changes needed to save our planet, and ourselves, from the negative health, climate, and environmental impacts of the production, usage, and disposal of plastics.

Bea Johnson is a Franco-American author, speaker and minimalist known for initiating the movement of waste-free living in the 21st century.

She is renowned for pioneering the trash jar, a pint-sized container she uses to fit her family’s yearly garbage, and for developing The 5Rs of Zero Waste, a method she published in Zero Waste Home: The Ultimate Guide to Simplifying your Life by Reducing your Waste (Scribner, 2013). The book has been translated to 28 languages and has remained #1 Bestseller.


Her work has inspired millions of people to adopt zero waste lifestyles, open unpackaged shops, conceive reusable products, and launch organizations, and lobby large corporations to offer alternatives to single-use. 


She is a Grand Prize winner of The Green Awards and the founder of Bulk Finder, a web-based app which points to thousands of bulk locations worldwide. 

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We believe humans can successfully reduce their impact by using less, reusing and recycling more, and constantly making small improvements through their daily decisions at home, while shopping, at work, and at play. More ideas make less waste.


After almost 20 years, we remain the largest recycling database in the nation — probably the world. 

We believe humans can successfully reduce their impact by using less, reusing more, and constantly making small improvements through their daily decisions. Earth911 works to make that complex story something you can understand and help to realize through your everyday actions. Big companies and governments need to change, but they will follow citizens who act and communicate what they value. Your progress requires growing awareness of the consequences of workplace and shopping decisions.
Roundup Alternatives

Roundup alternatives without glyphosate are available and can be effective. Organic brand options use naturally occurring oils or acids, and some alternatives can even be made with household ingredients. Farmers may find it easier to use different herbicides or farming methods.

Interest in alternatives to Roundup has grown quickly since concerns emerged over the herbicide’s safety. Its active ingredient, glyphosate, is branded as a probable cause of cancer by the United Nation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer.

Everyday consumers may be in a better position than farmers to adopt alternatives to Roundup. Large farms or landscaping operations may have a harder — and more expensive — time giving up glyphosate-based herbicides.


Most homes in our village and town were built prior to the 1970s and are at high risk for the presence of health damaging and life threatening asbestos. Many of these same homes and apartments undergo frequent remodeling which can cause asbestos to become airborne and potentially inhaled. Even general wear and tear over the years can release harmful fibers. 


There is NO safe level of asbestos exposure! 


PLEASE check out this website for the best and latest information on how to keep yourself and your family safe from asbestos exposure. This provides excellent education and guidance on subjects ranging from how to test your home to remediation advice and more.  


Also... so much of the toxic asbestos from construction ends up in our landfills, but did you now their is a recycling option that is predicted to grow? There is a lot to learn and read on this website and we urge you to check it out!


It could save your life or the life of someone you love. 

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