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Meeting Minutes

November 12th, 2024


Attendance: Michele Bjella, Steve Bjella, Jeannet DeJong, Claudia Newton, Ellen Neumeier, Susan Russell

Also: Kristin Cameron (EA Village Board), Sarah Connaughton, Jessica Dudley, Ethan Frey (Aurora Democrats), Jesse Griffin (Tree Board), Carlo Piech, Zoe Sharp, Charlie VonAdler


Meeting began at 6:30 pm.


GoNetSpeed / Village Tree Canopy Update: 

In order to provide fiber optic service, GoNetSpeed will be installing up to 200 new poles in the Village, affecting up to 2000 trees which will need to be trimmed. The Tree Board and many residents have expressed their concerns; there was even a piece on WKBW. In response to these concerns, GoNetSpeed and O’Connell (their tree contractor) have agreed that the arborist for Bradley Tree service will act as a mediator for especially problematic trees. In the new year NYSEG will hire a low-bid contractor to finally perform long-delayed maintenance on the tree canopy. The Tree Board is hopeful that by working with respected Bradley Tree, the O’Connell group will be doing a better job than the NYSEG group will do.


As these new poles are installed they will often be beside existing shorter poles that carry Verizon landlines. The Village Board can pressure Verizon to remove these “double poles” and move the land lines to the new poles. Residents can add their voices requesting timely and proper maintenance by calling Verizon or the Public Service Commission. Susan Russell distributed extensive information (attached) about this issue, and included contact information for concerns.


When GoNetSpeed is finished with the Village, they will start work in the rest of the town. Fewer problems are expected with those trees. 


The Village is a Tree City because they do plant trees and do an annual Arbor Day ceremony, and spend $2 per resident on tree-related issues. The Tree Board expects that the Village will provide additional funds in the coming budget, and they will be able to plant 50-60 new trees, and that the Village will be more proactive about tree maintenance. The Tree Board welcomes volunteers.


Suggested 2025 Project - Envirofest: 

An Envirofest event would earn points toward Silver Certification for the Town; Lancaster hosted a successful event earlier this year. Sue Russell distributed a “stream of consciousness” list of ideas and possible locations, dates and partners/contributors. A representative from the Cooperative Extension has already expressed interest, and may have a summer intern who can help. Zoe is aware that Buffalo-Niagara Waterkeepers is interested in working with the Town. Sue passed around a sign-up sheet for those interested in leading or working on this project. We will also reach out to our membership.


Suggested 2025 Project - Dare to Repair Cafe: 

This is another project that would earn points for the Town’s Silver Certification. Successful Repair Cafes have been held across the state including Buffalo. Charlie will be contacting someone with appliance repair experience and a potential location for the event. The location will need easy access. Perhaps we can partner with a school or BOCES.


EA Advertiser Article:  

Charlie is interested in writing the December article and will talk with Ellen Neumeier.

The current Advertiser published the letter from ACES about the trees, perhaps instead of Sue’s article on green burials? Or perhaps that article will appear this coming week; if not, we will save that article for the new year.


Treasury: Balance $656.35 (after $200 donation to Mandala School for use of building

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.


Next Meeting: Tuesday December 17, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at Mandala School, 738 Main Street, EA





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