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Meeting Minutes

April 30th, 2024

Present: Michele Bijella, Jeannet DeJong, Ellen Neumaier, Claudia Newton, Susan Russell

Also: Bob Colligan, Patrick Lally, Carlo Piech


Meeting began at 6:30 pm.

Secretary’s Report:  No changes to the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report:  Current Balance: $856.35


Trash Mob for Earth Day: 

Success! Nice photo in the Advertiser. Good community building opportunity.

Next year we should start planning no later than January. This would give us more time to publicize, and perhaps we can register our event with Waterkeepers. Can also partner with the Town of Aurora Climate committee. 

Possibilities: Have everyone bring trash back to Hamlin Park to weigh and then take home (or to one house) for pickup? Keep track of types of trash collected? Wear “Trash Mob” safety vests?



  • Ellen Neumaier will write up guidelines for monthly articles  (e.g. number of words; date due; review by Ellen or other ACES board member; where to submit …)

  • Katie Mauer is doing the May article featuring the Trash Mob. Patrick will do June article stressing reasons for hope, especially for younger folks (Ellen will send him guidelines)


Green Sanctuary and WNY Wildway: 

The Sustainability group of the EA Unitarian Universalist church has written up a three year plan for a Green Sanctuary on the church grounds, and the church has approved funding for the first year. Keystone trees have been planted, and additional trees and shrubs are being prepared for future planting. They have decided on a mix of 30% non-native plants with 70% native plants, a mix recommended by naturalist Doug Tallamy. 


Recently Bob and Diana Colligan attended a 2-½ hour quarterly meeting of the WNY Wildway group.  Attendees included reps from Buffalo and Rochester DOTs, the local rail-trail group, the ROC, NY Fish and Wildlife, the Crane Ridge HOA and many other groups. It was an informative and inspirational gathering, and Bob suggested that the Waterkeepers could do a good presentation on the Wildway for EA residents. Compared to the Theatre, a location such as the Senior Center would be more conducive for having a discussion following the presentation. Mid-October sounds like a likely time for such an event, and would allow enough time for publicizing it.



  • Pollinator Presentation - Jeannet asked Sue for guidance getting pollinator information through ACES website. Jeannet is  doing a presentation on May 11 as part of the Orchard Park library’s pollinator event.

  • Democratic Party website - Brad Felton ask Jeannet to describe ACES; she wants to make his dry description more personal

  • No Vroom June (or is it Scoot Around June?) - Sue reported plans by the town’s Climate Smart committee to encourage biking and walking as alternatives to driving, similar to last  year’s events. Businesses are being asked to donate prizes; everyone loved Sue’s idea of ACES donating a bag of EcoVerde compost. She will check price at Mastersons and get a gift card for at least one bag of local compost ($25-50).

  • Climate Mascot - Sue suggested adopting Climy as a mascot, and Luke agreed that the town task force will purchase a cheerful inflatable “globe” costume Sue found online. This will be available for any group, including ACES, to attract kids’ attention.

  • Fruition Seeds in Naples sounds like a good source for organic seeds, and has been expanding to include fruit and nut trees.



The next meeting is scheduled for  Tuesday May 28, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.



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